Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Video Momentum

We are back from our respective vacations and have finished three videos (two have been posted, the third is being rendered).  We are exited to be doing more reviews of quality maps designed by other people.  If you think you have a quality map and want us to try it out and possibly review it, then please contact us either through email or on xbox live and we will do our best to give you your shot.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Sorry Guys, I'm on vacation and won't be back for a couple weeks.  My computer access will be sporadic.  I'll try to post some updates when I can.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Bridge To Far

Well, I've decided to put my hat into the forging arena and I'm in the process of designing a map called "A Bridge To Far"  which is inspired in part by the movie.  I took the results of the poll and if you add up the votes for invasion, capture the flag and huge slayer, then those game types won the poll and this map can potentially do all.  The map is only about 30-40% done.  Darth and Packer were helping me in Forge this morning, and I appreciate their advice.  I'm hoping to have it finished and able to demo at the TGIF on Friday June 10, 2011.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Vote closes in 4 hours!

If you'd like to vote on the poll that will help determine what type of map to design next, then please vote in our poll.  Currently the voters want an infection map.  Vote now before the polls close.

Final Review Soon To Come

Last night we finished the audio for Halls of Ballz  and Darth was planning on having the video up soon.  Also coming in the next while are a review of Jump Rope and Crash-up Derby.  LAP Slipstream and I have worked on adding some appropriate humor to  the video's.  Once the video's are posted, please let us know if we succeeded in making you smile or if we have failed miserably. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

Halls of Ballz - Recording

Tonight we will be playing (and recording) the finalized version of the map Halls of Ballz.  Come Join TGIF and be a part of the video.  Play starts officially at 6pm Eastern (3pm my time) although we often are around earlier. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blog Interview with Darth Human

I am going to be interviewing Darth Human for this blog and although I have a set of questions I will ask him, if there are any questions you have for Darth let me know and I will include them in my interview.  This will be my first blog interview, hopefully with many more to come in the future, and it will be a good time to ask in-depth or clarifying questions to the Forge Zen: Darth Human. 

You can either post the questions here or shoot me an email: with your questions.  I'm interested in probing questions and after spending a few hours forging with Darth the other day I think I have a better understanding of what makes him tick.  Don't be shy, help me make this a quality interview.

Monday, May 23, 2011

What we do when we are not Forging

This weekend LAP Slipstream and I took a break from the digital world and decided to see if the skills we have learned online would translate into the real world. We took a group of scouts out shooting to attempt to earn their rifle shooting merit badges. After a while we felt the need to break out the bad boys and blow things up. Archaic? Backwoods? Perhaps. Here is a peak of what we were doing and the force of explosion that can launch a log into the air when impacted with a .223 round:

Friday, May 20, 2011

Worst Game Ever Played

Last night LAP Slipstream and I were busy working on the daily challenges in Reach and we were talked into playing a map by a friend of ours that was supposed to "challenge" us and provide unlimited enjoyment killing Elites. WRONG!!!

Let me tell you. God Mode is booooring! Really, can you imagine blowing things up with rockets and not being able to be hurt? 20 minutes later it was time to quit. The good news is we are working on some quality screenshots and concepts to enhance this blog and hope to have them in place soon. This will greatly enhance the viewing and readability of this blog and hopefully enhance your visiting experience.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

First Review - Bunker Complex

A giant hats off to Oakley Hi Def and his incredible map "Bunker Complex."
Bunker Complex is designed as an invasion game type, but the map is playable on multiple game types. I could see how it could be a great slayer or possible infection map. What do you think? I'm going to keep posting topics and questions until somebody bites and responds!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Halls of Ballz

You've seen the preview. What do you think? I love the short hall with all the balls coming down at mach 20. you can jump, use your armor shield, or just follow a teammate through the gauntlet. What would you change? Let us know your ideas!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Toilet and Hogs From Heck nominated for awards!!

Toilet and Hogs from Heck have been nominated for Forge Hub Favorites (FHF). Please IF you like Toilet, create an account and vote for Toilet (or Hogs from Heck if you like that one more). Link:

Tell your friends about us!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What to expect from this Blog

We anticipate that on this blog site we can answer your questions more fully, get design ideas, explain our vision of forging and also provide some fun and humor.

One of the ideas that we have had is to create some blooper and poop video's associated with the content we have/will post on our YouTube sight. In the near future, w

e will also be spotlighting players who have helped contribute to our maps.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Welcome to our blog!

This is the official Blog for TheHaloForgeEpedemic. We (Darthhuman, BevansLaw, and LAP Slipstream) will use this blog in conjunction with our YouTube channel to preview, promote and discuss the various Halo Forge Maps that Darth Human and potentially others have created.